Este comentario de mi pareja refleja la potencia de los aromas en nuestros recuerdos. A mí, los tomates me llevan a aquellas ensaladas veraniegas tan coloridas y sabrosas de mi infancia. Ahora de adulta puedo consumir tomates durante todo el año, pero parecen haber perdido muchas de sus cualidades. Afortunadamente vivo en una de las regiones hortícolas de España y sé que si espero al verano encontraré buenos tomates. En una reciente charla, un portavoz de La Unió* recordaba la importancia de preservar las variedades de tomates locales. Aquí como consumidores, tenemos un papel importante a la hora de comprar.
- I can see clearly my
grand-father, picking tomatoes from his garden, just by this smell!
This comment from my partner reflects how powerful aromas are for our memories. To me, tomatoes take me back to the colourful and delicious summer salads of my childhood. As an adult, I can buy tomatoes throughout the year, but they seem to have lost some of their quality. Fortunately, I live in a Spanish region where horticulture is important and I usually wait for the summer to get nice and tasty tomatoes. In a recent talk, a spokesman of La Unió* highlighted the importance of preserving local varieties of tomatoes. As consumers, we play an important role when purchasing.

As for this post, two ideas come to me. Both of them are suggested by
the title of a lovely movie: Fried green
tomatoes. There is a wide range of tomatoes on the market, with different
colours, textures, shapes and tastes. By using two or three varieties of
tomatoes dressed with virgin olive oil you can prepare a very pleasant
multicoloured salad. If you’d wish something more consistent, you may add the
dough of a pizza, a semolina bread or a focaccia. Something as Mediterranean as
tomato spread on a bread slice can be modified in many ways. As well as serrano
ham, you may put e.g. tuna, anchovy or dried salted fish.

Obviously, I also remembered the movie when I first tried green tomato
jam. It was a nice suprise to find out that, in addition to very tasty sauces,
this ingredient also has much potential in its sweet version. I am quite sure
that you have already eaten tomato jam in goat cheese salad or maybe in some
cheese cake. Remember that a tomato is not only a vegetable but also a fruit: this
may broaden your gastronomic horizon ...
Espero que el tomate
os inspire unas sabrosas recetas y unas fotos apeticibles.
I hope
that the tomato will inspire you for tasty recipes and mouthwatering photos.
* La Unió:
asociación de agricultores y ganaderos valencianos en la jornada “Alimentación,
algo más que comer” organizada por AVACU (Asociación Valenciana de Consumidores
y Usuarios) del 20/06/13.
* La
Unió: association of Valencian Agricultors and Farmers in “Alimentation,
something more than just eating” held 20/06/13 by AVACU (Valencian Association of Consummers and Users).
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